
Financial Administration Online Video

Self-Study Notes
Financial Administration Course NotesDownload
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TaxBox online calculator

Try out our TaxBox calculator for free!!!!
Click here.

Enter your pay elements confidentially and securely.
Check what the result is on your net pay.
What if my pay elements could change?
Email the people that pay you, with your findings.

Companies Act implementation delayed

The DTI has announced that the new Companies Act will be delayed for implemetnation – possibly up to another month!

We are waiting for the regulations to understand better the detailed requirements around accounting and audits etc.

Will keep all clients informed as we receive further information.

Tax Update – Vehicle fringe benefit value

Just received notification that the fringe benefit tax on company vehicles will be increased from 1 March 2011, to 3.5% of the value of the vehicle, which includes VAT.

Where the cost includes an element for maintenance plans, the tax rate is 3.25%.

When calculating PAYE, 80% of the fringe benefit must be included in the employee’s remuneration.

This percentage is reduced to 20% if the employer is satisfied that at least 80% of the use of the motor vehicle for the tax year will be for business purposes.


Biz Facility Training

Customer Reviews

Rodney Ndungase Chauke 17/08/2023

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It's so professional and worth recognition.

100% Bizfacility.

I saw your course offered through Udemy, but I told myself, support local business direct, regardless of massive discount offered.

Thanks for your tireless attention to customer service.

All the best

Ushen 18/05/2023

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One of the most insightful sessions I have been to and Ruzel I just wanted to say thank you for the video, material and content discussed as this was such a breath of fresh air to me. Looking forward to a few more in the coming weeks.

Much appreciated!

Zillah Abel 05/04/2023

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Thank you so much for this course. It will be very valuable for me.

As a business owner it is overdue that I arm myself with bookkeepeing knowledge.

Kind Regards,

Barbara Theron 24/04/2023

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The course was very informative and I enjoyed it, many thanks.

Kind Regards,

Melanie Thompson 13/04/2023

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I was very impressed with the training. It answered real questions / issues that arise. Was really helpful.

Kind Regards,

Evette 05/04/2023

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I just completed the full course.

Thank you for the amazing course, I learned so much from it!! Will definitely do more courses with Biz Facility!

Kind regards,

Nthabiseng Khobotlo 08/03/2023

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This training was very helpful

Kind Regards,

Barbara Theron 14/02/2023

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Thank you very much Ashton.

The presentation was excellent.

Have a great day.


Tersia van Deventer 26/01/2023

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Thank you very much for the course!

I have done many courses but your courses you teach have so much practical information and your notes are so fantastic!

You are also a truly excellent presenter! Oh yes and you are one of the few people who do respond to email and things so quickly too!

You are the best!! I am so glad I found out about your company!

Stephan Human 11/01/2023

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Thank you for the exceptional training session I received yesterday.
Please send my highly appreciated thanks to management and presenter as the training session opened so much for me and will make a vast difference in my work setting.
Definitely great value for my investment.
Super service delivery.